Welcome to UTHSCSA official surveying page. This page was designed to help the Health Science Center Community create the best possible surveys and use the main Health Science Survey tool called Qualtrics. The UT Health Qualtrics academic license is to be used by faculty, staff, students and residents at UT Health San Antonio for academic research purposes only. By requesting an account, you agree to these restrictions.
Access Qualtrics
All UTHSCSA Faculty, Staff, and Students can have access to use Qualtrics by requesting an account via email using your UT Health email account.
If the above Hyperlink does not work,
Send an email from your UT Health email account:
TO: bssact2tdx@uthscsa.edu
Subject: Qualtrics - Account Request
Surveying and Qualtrics FAQ's
The limit on the number of active surveys is too low for me. Who do I contact to request more access?
I supervised a student or employee that left the Health Science Center. How can I get access to the survey/survey data they were working on?
Please submit a Service Request via email asking to change the access/owner of a survey. Please include the name of the survey and the original owner.
If you need training, Qualtrics training is available online. please click on the above link to find training or help that suit your needs. If you need more help, you can email (support@qualtrics.com) or call (1-800-340-9194) Qualtrics support.
Qualtrics Contact Information
- 24x7 online support is available using the Help & Feedback link within Qualtrics (top right of page)
- Security related questions: contact IT Business Systems Services at BSS-ACT@uthscsa.edu
- Password issues: contact the IMS Service Desk at 210-567-7777 or ims-servicedesk@uthscsa.edu