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Web publishers at UT Health Science Center need to adhere to applicable laws and the standards set by the university and state of Texas.
How to make pages accessible This checklist will help you make your web site useful, and compliant with accessibility rules that apply to UT Health Science Center.[View checklist]
State Rule, Section 206 The Texas Administrative Code is designed to improve accessibility for the handicapped, and facilitate indexing of state-run web sites. [View code]
Federal Rules Section 508 The federal government also sets standards for accessibility that apply to public entities. [View summary]
Web Accessibility Policy UT Health Science Center strives to provide web sites that are accessible to all users. [View policy]
University Web Publishing Policy UT Health Science Center's Web Use Policy and Guidelines covers administrative procedures, use of servers, and how to identify the university and its entities. The guidelines are contained in the Handbook of Operating Procedures, Policy 5.9. [View policy]
Web Application Security Policy The guidelines are contained in the Handbook of Operating Procedures, Policy 5.9. [View policy]
Styles and Usage UT Health Science Center websites should adhere to the Style and Usage Guide. [View guide]
Web Advisory Committee The planning and oversight body for university web activities.