E-Mail Services
IMS provides e-mail services to UT Health Science Center in San Antonio. The Health Science Center uses Microsoft Exchange as the electronic mail service for the institution. Students and residents are automatically provided with an e-mail account while they are registered with UTHSCSA. All others, including accounts for staff, faculty, and non-employees, must be requested by the department. email envelope image others, including accounts for staff, faculty, and non-employees, must be requested by the department.
Other central e-mail services include routing, virus and spam scanning, aliasing, secure e-mail, large file attachment handling, and quota exceptions.
- Password Help – See the Password page for more information about your e-mail password.
- E-mail on the Web – Outlook Web Access – OWA – allows you access to your e-mail account from any computer using a standard web browser at http://owa.uthscsa.edu.
- Add email to your phone – Click here and select your mobile phone type for instructions.
- Mailbox Quota - The storage limit for UTHSCSA mailboxes is 4 GB. Your e-mail box can become full, disallowing any new e-mail to be delivered. To prevent this, you must periodically ‘clean house’ by deleting unneeded e-mail messages and emptying the recycle bin. You may also move these messages to an archive file on your computer hard drive. Quota exceptions are possible but are chargeable; see the rate below.
- Spam Filtering – Unsolicited electronic mail (otherwise known as “SPAM”) now constitutes over 95% of all inbound e-mail messages from the Internet. In addition to being an irritation and time-waster, past virus/worm outbreaks on the UT Health Science Center network were the result of several campus users opening spam messages containing malicious code attachments. Similar enticing messages have also resulted in “identity theft” of HSC employees. The Health Science Center will take whatever measures we can to prevent spam within the limits of the law; however, we do not have the technical capability of preventing all spam from reaching you. The commercial anti-spam solution we have implemented updates its filters automatically to keep up with new forms of spam and should greatly reduce the amount of spam you receive. No program can completely eliminate spam.
- Email accounts incur one-time $49.00 setup fee.
- Quota exceptions $12.50 per month per 250 MB